Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Ok Ok I know I've been off on a tangent lately, but by the end of the week I'll be posting 2 new super haute vacay suggestions. Maybe Seychelles You'll have to wait and see.


So, a few nights ago in Newark NJ, four young black college students were senselessly gunned down. Only one survived. It's such a tragic story, that when I saw it on the news I literally felt sick. Even though I know murder occurs all the time, it never gets easier hearing about it. Especially when the victims are young and trying to make provisions for a better future. What irks me the most is that the so called black leaders, such as Jesse Jackass and Sharpton Dafton have remained silent. There has been no urgent press conference called by either one, no radio talk show call ins, absolutely nothing. However, if these kids were murdered by a white person or police officer, you could not shut these bloody losers up. Its as if, their deaths are not as important or newsworthy if the probability of them being killed by someone with their own skin color is a greater possibility. And to make matters worst, there are people in the community who are calling for the ousting of the city's mayor, Corey Booker. Again, people looking for someone to blame, a scapegoat if you will. What makes this so unfortunate is because the population of Newark is largely minority. Corey Booker is a young black man, obviously trying to affect some change to a very impoverished and forgotten city. People always want an overnight resolution. Change takes time, because its not only a physical upheaval but also a very serious emotional and mental one. However, the person who I heard sum this tragedy up the best came from an unlikely voice(because if anyone, out of anger and sadness can point fingers it would be him). The father of one of the victims said,' I do not blame the mayor, I blame you the parents'. And there we have it, because that is the bottom line. Parents need to parent, teach their kids the value of human life, its not a movie or a game, its a reality. Once that trigger is pulled, your life is forever changed. So sad.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Lux Travel- Jamaica & Morocco

Ok, to move away from all the nonsense that is Lindsay Lohan, let me tell you about 2 great destinations that are all about relaxation and luxeness.

1. Jamaica, W.I
Why? Because the beauty and laid back vibe of the island is incomparable.
Go If? You're tired of hearing about the daily spoils of the 'wack pack' (Britney, Paris, Lindsay etc.)
Stay where? So many to chose from, but my picks are from the Island Outpost Properties. Jake's, The Caves, Strawberry Hill and GoldenEye.
Why? Quite simply, because all of these locations embrace the true beauty, naturality and luxness of this island paradise.
What Else? It's no coincidence that the owner of the Island Outpost properties is Chris Blackwell, who also founded Island Records. The label whose roster included Jamaica's best known and most loved export, the Honorable Bob Marley. A true legend. Jake's, located in Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth is definitely my top choice. With its Moroccan themed riad styled shacks it is the must rustic and unspoilt. A bohemian oasis that is super affordable without any compromise to lux. The Caves, located on the west end of Negril, is a gorgeous and mellowing romantic hideaway, with actual grottos carved into the caves (one of the grottos is used for dining!). Strawberry Hill, the most exotic and adventurous of all the properties is nestled amongst the moutaintops in the famed Blue Moutains (yes, the coffee). It is really a phenom of nature and the ultimate in privacy. GoldenEye, in scenic Oracabessa, St. Mary, is a hidden rural paradise. It is also the former home of Ian Fleming (uh huh as in Bond, James Bond). And for those of you who want to own a piece of paradise, Island Outpost is now offering villas for sale on the GoldenEye property. Now thats luxeness at its best!
LL Score? Fabness-10 Luxeness-10 Funness-10

2.Marrakech, Morrocco
Why? Because you live for the chicness of this fashionable locale.
Go If? You love an exotic mix of fashion, food and fun.
Stay where? Riad Farnatchi
Why? Intimate (only has 8 suites) and sexy are just two of the many reasons.
What else? From the Atlas Mountains to the historical and fabled souks, Marrakech is an ancient city that must be experienced. The total luxeness and coziness of the Farnatchi, makes it even more easier to visit this old worldly yet modern day Zion. Riad Farnatchi's roof top terrace and beautifully appointed suites, furnished with traditional decor, including hand made beds with exotic hung fabrics only add the allure. Two other noteworthy mentions are: Amanjena (lux, lux, lux but not as intimate) and Kasbah Tamadot ( Richard Branson-pardon me, Sir Richard- of the Virgin Brands is the owner. 'Nuff said!)
LL Score? Fabness-10 Luxeness-8 Funness-8

Monday, July 23, 2007

JackArse Rappers

So today I hear that degenerate rappers Ja Rule and Lil' Wayne were arrested(an hour a part no less). You know, when I heard I just rolled my eyes, and thought to myself of course, its album release time. Even though I am no longer a fan of rap music, I do know that Jerk Rule has an album coming out momentarily and as it so happens-drum roll please- Lil' Wayne is on his first single! What a coinkidinky!

Its so stupid and utterly lame that rappers have decided to use guns, drugs, murder and assault charges as free publicity. Its like forget paying for PR when we can just go out, act the fool and create free unbridled press. These jerks don't have a clue. I mean cause whens the last time you heard about Ja Rule? Right, I thought so. Then all of a sudden he gets arrested, I mean he has been such a nobody in the past couple of years, he couldn't even pay to get arrested. Now, with a new album coming out he needs to garner some kind of attention and reclaim his so called street cred or hood pass. Either of which in his putrid mind will guarantee album sales. Loser.

It just pisses me off, that younger kids buy into this crap and actually buy their music, because of their so called toughness. I miss the rap of the 90's, even though it was sometimes grimy and violent, it was real. These days, rappers are truly formulated on the lots of hollywood studios. Just a bunch of wannabee, studio tough guys, who really don't care about the impact of their recklessness on the younger generation. Yet and still I've heard many of them say, including Jerk Rule, that they don't allow their kids to listen to their music. Such bloody hypocrites! Just as bad as Madonna not allowing her kids to watch TV.

Anyway, what can you do, money is still the biggest denominator in this world. The record labels and artists will never change as long as there are gullible people around willing to pony up for their crap. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Lux Travel - Ibiza & Grenada

Well today on Long Island it is sweltering hot and so humid. Anyway its summer right so what can I expect.

Anyway, from time to time I'm going to list some cool places to travel to, both international and national. Alot of the places I've been too, others I'll get too soon enough. They are all my unbiased opinions. Each selection also receives an Lux Lorraine(LL) rating on a scale of 1-10. Obviously the scores are not going to be too low, because these are my personal picks.
So, what are you waiting for, go have some fun. Enjoy!

1. Ibiza, Balearic Islands (Spain)
Why? Just because.
Go if? You love to party and enjoy dance music and dont mind having the beach nearby!
Stay where? El Hotel Pacha.
Why? Because of its futuristic luxe design AND because the Pacha nightclub is directly opposite AND as a hotel guest you receive free club entry.
What else? The hotel guestlist reads like a cool list of world class dj's and serious partygoers. Paul Oakenfold and Pete Tong are just 2 of the A list dj's who have played there. Also dont miss going to the roof terrace, where all the fun really happens.
LL score? Fabness-8 Luxeness-8 Funness- 10

2. Grenada, W.I
Why? To relax, unwind and enjoy natures beauty peacefully.
Go if? You need to exhale from everyday stress, and love the bliss and tranquility of your own island paradise.
Stay where? Laluna.
Why? Because simply put, its heaven on earth.
What else? The 'hotel' is made up of cottages and villas, with some of the cottages being as close to 40 feet from the ocean/beachfront. With limited number of guests, privacy and quiet time are ensured. Also their low/off season is now, during the summer which basically means that the rates are the cheapest during this time.
LL score? Fabness-10 Luxeness- 9 Funness- 8

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Welcome, Welcome

Hey this is my first day blogging under my spanking new blog- Lux Lorraine. This blog is all about the lux life. However, from time to time I will be ranting about pop culture and anything else that might grab my attention.
So go ahead, lets talk about the haute delish lifestyle, music, fashion, or super fab places where you want to travel too.